Hello World!

Hello World!

Help dogs and resuce them while saving their lives

Hello W#orld.

    Many people who rescue dogs have saved a least more than one dog throught the world
    The average dog can run about 19 miles per hour at full speed
  • Dogs nose print is one of a kind, very similar to peoples fingerprint. The average body temperature for a dog is 101. A dogs sence is 10,000 better than humans sence
  • Rescuing Dogs



    This is body paragraph 1.

    This is body paragraph 2.

    I am going to introduce myself.



    If you people out there help and recue a dog you'll save a life of a dog Each year, 2.7 million adoptable dogs are euthanized in the United States, simply too many pets come into shelters and too few people consider adoption when looking for a pet People shoudl help rescue dogs by adopting dogs and it would be cheaper to adopt a dog than by a dog. People could also rescue dogs by finding them hurt or just as a stray dog just go and help them out ByDogTime - DogTime/http://dogtime.com/puppies/19540-20-dog-facts-to-share-with-kids https://www.worldanimalprotection.org.uk/blogs/10-facts-about-dogs-celebration-mans-best-friend?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgZ3HwOjM1AIVAQNpCh1w_gSiEAAYASAAEgLDYfD_BwE http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/adopt/tips/top_reasons_adopt.html: http://bestfriends.org/resources/reasons-adopt-pet